Local Leagues
In Sheffield & Hallamshire we have several league opportunities for teams to play in. Some of our leagues offer local competition with little travel while others are spread across the county to provide more competitive football.
All leagues are formally structured with rules in place. Leagues include traditional 11v11, youth football, small sided (5v5, 7v7, 9v9), disability football, recreational, walking football, and other flexible formats.
To join a league below please contact the listed league secretaries, your team will also have to be affiliated to the county FA - more guidance on this can be found here.
Get in Touch
Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA
Geographical Area: Club HQ must be within 12 miles of Barnsley Town Hall
Format: 11v11 90-minute duration
Matchday: Sunday
Kick off time: 11am
Premier Division - Matty Roberts: matty889@hotmail.com
Division 1 - Luke Naylor: luke2006naylor@hotmail.co.uk)
League Website:
Geographical Area: Teams are mainly Sheffield based but we also have teams playing from Rotherham and North East Derbyshire
Format: 11v11 (90-minute duration)
Matchday: Sunday
Kick off time: 11am
Contact: Paul Heath – bladessecretary@gmail.com
Website: www.sssl.org.uk
Geographical Area: Maximum of one hour in travel time
Format: 11v11 (90-minute duration)
Matchday: Saturday
Kick-off: Between 1pm-2:30pm
Contact: Chris Daines - doncasterroverssaturdayleague@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3399417390072780/?locale=en_GB
Geographical Area: Doncaster and District
Format: 11v11, 90-minute duration
Matchday: Sunday
Kick off Time: 10:30am
Contact: Chris Daines - doncastersundayleague@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/405393134728991/
Location: Sport Sheffield, Norton Sports Park, 289 Warminster Rd, Sheffield S8 8PS
Matchday: Wednesdays
Time: Between 7 and 9pm
Contact: Mat Hook - 07375885904
Website: https://www.facebook.com/KickaboutSheff
Location: St Georges Park Thorncliffe, Pack Horse Lane, Sheffield, S35 3HY.
Format: 9v9, 60-minute duration
Matchday: Monday
Kick off time: between 7pm and 9pm
Contact: Nicola Ellis - manager.thorncliffe@leisureunited.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=382902494
Geographical Area: county wide
Matchdays: Sundays
KO times: 11am but flexible
Contact: Martin Gilmour – martin.gilmour@sky.com
Website: https://www.sheffieldu18league.co.uk/index.php / https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=659443978
Please note This is a transitionary league from youth to adult football, with ages ranging from U18 to U23
Geographical Area: All games are played in the Dearne Valley and the immediate surrounding areas within postcodes S63, S64, S73 and DN12.
Format: 11v11, 90-minute duration
Matchday: Sunday
Kick off time: 11am
Contact: Martin Birley - martinbirley@btinternet.com
Geographical area: North Midlands
Age: 16-21
Matchday: Monday-Friday Mid-week
Kick off time: Evenings
Contact: Jonathon Wilson - jonathon.j.wilson@deutschebahn.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=354158995
Please note this is a flexible mid-week floodlit evening league for development teams (U19-U21). Fixtures are set with 3 officials and teams can negotiate which day of the week they play on. This season the Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA took over the sanctioning of the North Midlands Development League.
Geographical area: Rotherham boundary or 8 mile from Rotherham Minster
Matchday: Sunday
Kick off time: 10:30am
Contact: Mark Pilley - markpilleyrdsl@yahoo.co.uk
Website: https://twitter.com/rdslfootball
Geographical Area: Sheffield & Hallamshire Countywide
Format: 11v11 90-minute duration (Flexible)
Matchday: Flexible
Kick off time: Flexible
Contact: Support@SheffieldFA.com
League Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=12011256
Geographical area: County Wide
Matchday: Flexible
KO times: Flexible
Contact: Support@SheffieldFA.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=399439154
Please note this is a flexible league, the county FA organise fixtures, tables and trophies. Teams can decide between themselves when/where is best to play over the course of the season. We are hoping to encourage more women into the game to either play mixed gender walking football or to create a new women’s division.
Geographical area: Home pitches must be within a 12 mile radius of Ponds Forge
Matchday: Saturday
Kick off time: 10:30am
Contact: Matt Bradford - sdfpl@fairplayleague.co.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/577398169120902/?locale=en_GB
Geographical Area: 30 mile radius of Sheffield Cathedral
Match Day: Saturday
Kick Off Times: 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm (depending on month)
Contact: Paul Kay - countyseniorleague@gmail.com
Further Information: We have multi-national teams. The Premier Division is Step 7 of the National League System and we provide a pathway into the Step 6 Northern Counties East League.
Geographical area: County Wide
Matchdays: Sundays
KO Time: Varies
Contact: Lisa Thompson (League Secretary) - Lisa.Thompson-Cox@sheffieldflourish.co.uk
Please note the Sheffield Flourish League represents an inclusive football opportunity for clubs who can evidence an inclusive approach to people from marginalised groups. Teams play 11v11 football in a completely flexible format, with team’s allocated 1 fixture a month throughout the season.
Geographical Area: 25 mile radius from Sheffield Cathedral
Matchday: Sunday
KO Times: Varies
Contact: David Elwis (League Secretary) - mrelwis@hotmail.co.uk
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=266181876&selectedSeason=315813059&selectedDivision=881838281&selectedCompetition=0&selectedFixtureGroupKey=1_58594890
Geographical Area: South Yorkshire
Matchday: Saturday
KO time: 2pm
Contact: Stuart Topham (League Secretary) - wraggfootballleague@btinternet.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=799218725
Please note this is the only ‘veterans’ league in the county and has three divisions for Over 35’s and two divisions for Over 45’s.
Geographical area: County Wide
Matchday: Flexible
KO times: Flexible
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=399439154
Please note this is a flexible league. The county FA organises fixtures, tables and trophies. Teams can decide between themselves when/where is best to play over the course of the season. We are hoping to encourage more women into the game to either play mixed gender walking football or to create a new women’s division.
Location: Rotherham Football Centre, Eastwood Trading Estate, Chesterton Rd, Eastwood, Rotherham S65 1SU.
Match day: Sundays (every other week)
Time: between 6 and 8pm
Contacts: christophercrowe@btinternet.com / sarahwood289@outlook.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=703154908
Geographical area: County-wide
Match day: Youth – Saturdays, Open Age – Sundays
Kick off time: Varies
Contact: Julie Higgins (League Secretary) – secretary@shwgl.co.uk
Website: https://www.shwgl.co.uk/
Centralised location: Sport Sheffield, Norton Sports Park, 289 Warminster Rd, Sheffield S8 8PS
Matchday: Wednesdays
Time: Between 7 and 9pm
Contact: Mat Hook - 07375885904
Geographical Area: 20-mile radius of Barnsley Town Hall
Matchdays: Sundays
KO times: 9:30am - 2.30pm - (Home team sets)
Gender: Boys and Girls
Contact: Gavin Logan (League Secretary) - secretary@barnsleyanddistrictjfl.co.uk
Website: http://www.barnsleyanddistrictjfl.co.uk
Geographical Area: 16 miles from Doncaster Mansion House, DN 11BN
Matchdays: Sundays
KO times: 9:30-11:30am (Home teams sets) Mixed - Sunday / Girls - Saturday
Gender: Mixed and Girls
Contact: Russell Higham - leaguesecretaryddjsfl@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/DoncasterJuniorLeague/?locale=en_GB
Please note: KO times may change subject to members vote at AGM.
Geographical Area: county wide
Matchdays: Sundays
KO times: 11am but flexible
Contacts: John Stainrod (League Secretary) - secretary@sheffieldleague.helpwithit.co.uk
Website: https://www.sheffieldu18league.co.uk/index.php / https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=659443978
Notes: This is a transitionary league from youth to adult football, with ages ranging from U18 to U23
Geographical area: North Midlands
Age: 16-21
Matchday: Monday-Friday (Mid-week)
Kick off time: Evenings
Contact: Wayne Williamson - secretarywvh@btinternet.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=354158995
Notes: This league focuses on the offering a high-quality competition for the development of U21 teams. The league is played on a flexible mid-week basis, with KO’s in the evening, therefore not disturbing a team’s weekend commitments! Along with the flexible fixture dates, the NMDL also pride their selves on allocating 3 officials to every fixture, so every match is governed to a high standard. The league is open to any teams at this age bracket, who will have access to their own or be able to source a floodlit facility.
Geographical area: County-wide
Match days: Wednesdays by default but flexible
KO times: 2pm by default but flexible
Contact: Support@SheffieldFA.com
Gender: boys and girls
Notes: This is a flexible league that tends to take place during school times. We affiliate teams, provide league/cup fixtures and trophies; it is then up to teams to choose when and where to play these over the course of a season. If you are a teacher in a college or school that would be interested in entering your pupils into a league feel free to contact us.
This league is usually 11v11 but we encourage teams to be flexible and play with whatever numbers they can field.
Geographical Area: 20 mile radius from Sheffield Cathedral
Matchday: Sundays
KO: between 10 am - 2 pm
Gender: Boys and Girls
Contact: Kerri Reynolds – secretary@junleague.com
Geographical area: County-wide
Match day: Youth – Saturdays
Kick off time: Between 9am and 2pm
Gender: Girls
Contact: Julie Higgins (League Secretary) – secretary@shwgl.co.uk
Website: https://www.shwgl.co.uk/
Geographical area: County Wide
Matchdays: Sundays
KO Time: Varies
Contact: Lisa Thompson (League Secretary) - Lisa.Thompson-Cox@sheffieldflourish.co.uk
Notes: Teams play 11v11 football in a completely flexible format, with team’s allocated 1 fixture a month throughout the season. Flourish is a Sheffield mental health charity rooted in the community.
Clubs already involved in the league demonstrate an inclusive approach by creating active partnerships with some of the following services: NHS foundation trusts, mental health charities, homeless charities, refugee & asylum seekers, drugs & alcohol.
Matchdays: Last Sunday of the month
KO times: between 10 am and 11am
Location: Leisure United Woodbourn Road, 3 Stadium Way, Sheffield S9 3HL
Contact: Julie Callaghan - Julie.Callaghan@sheffieldfa.com
Website: https://fulltime.thefa.com/index.html?league=482239159
Notes: This is a pan-disability league with both 5v5 and 7v7 formats, playing one Sunday a month.
Geographical area: South Yorkshire
Matchdays: Sundays
KO times: between 1pm and 5pm
Locations: Doncaster Goals / Sheffield Goals / Concord Sports Centre
Mike Stylianou (League Chairman)- mike.stylianou@hotmail.co.uk
Paul Jubb (League Secretary) – syaclsecretary@gmail.com
Website: https://southyorkshireabilitycountsleague.com/
Notes: This is a pan-disability league with both 5v5 and 7v7 formats, playing one Sunday a month.
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