
Developing Your Facility

are you looking to  update, renovate or build a football facility?

An essential step in starting to develop any facility project is to contact us. 

Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA plays a key role in supporting and guiding applicants through the process of developing a project as well as identifying available funding to bring it to life.

If you are intending to improve your football facilities (which may involve 3G football turf pitches, changing room pavilions / clubhouses, grass pitch improvements or better indoor/outdoor spaces) your first step is to contact us.  Tell us more about your project idea and what you want to achieve.

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Developing Your Project


Building new football facilities doesn’t happen overnight and it will require your time and commitment to develop a facility project.  

The cost of projects can vary depending on what you are looking to develop.  Through our funding partners at the Football Foundation, funding is available to support smaller projects which cost under £25,000 through the Small Grants Scheme, as well as larger projects costing over this amount.

Although funding may be available to support your project, there is an expectation that applicants also have partnership funding available.  No project is funded 100% and we expect all projects to meet football and community outcomes.  For large scale projects, take a look at our guidance document to help you get started. 


local football facility plans

Local Football Facility Plans (LFFP) will be used to ensure the highest priority areas are targeted in order to deliver the identified projects when investment is available. 

We expect that 90% of Football Foundation funding will be used to deliver projects highlighted within the plans. Each project must still follow an application process to show how it will deliver key participation outcomes, become a quality & sustainable facility and demonstrate suitable match-funding.

Local Football Facility Plans

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