Football V Litter
Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA have teamed up with Doncaster Council to tackle pitch side litter at grassroots games in Doncaster.
The new partnership will aim to raise awareness of environmental issues and also reduce litter at matches played in public parks and open spaces.
As part of the initiative, players and spectators are asked to leave the nearby pitches as they found them by taking litter home with them after matches. It is hoped that this will improve the local environment and educate players to be more aware of the environment and promote recycling.
Players from Hall Cross Rats FC and Innings AFC and match official Stuart Highfield took part in a litter action day on Sunday 20th August at Town Fields in Doncaster. The teams participated in an organised litter pick after their Sunday Junior Cup fixture and were presented with a cool box per team to store their well-earned drinks during games.
Brian Coddington, Interim Chair at the Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA, said: “We’re delighted to team up with Doncaster Council, Doncaster Sunday League and other stakeholders to launch a litter prevention initiative in Doncaster. Local grassroots football teams and match officials can play a big part in reducing litter in their local communities. Small actions such as performing litter picks after games or reporting any hazard or defect relating to council pitches to your local authority can make a significant impact.”
The campaign is also encouraging teams in Doncaster to report any problems with a council pitch to Doncaster Borough Council.
You can report existing litter or other problems with your pitch by contacting Doncaster Council on 01302 736000 or by emailing
If your football team would like to hire litter picking equipment such as pickers and bin bags free of charge, then please email