FA Girls Football Week Returns For 2018

Calum Oakenfold
Register your activities to be part of this action packed week!

Register your activities to be part of this action packed week!

Girls' Football Week is a fun filled week of activities designed to get as many girls involved in playing football as possible.

FA Girls’ Football Week is taking place between 23rd and 29th April

Whether girls play regularly or are lacing their boots for the first time, it is a great opportunity for everyone to get active, meet new friends and have fun!

We need your help in planning and delivering football activities throughout the week and we will give you all the support and resources you need to get involved. 

The FA have teamed up with Disney to inject some extra fun into football and get girls active. 
Girls’ Football Week will feature activities and games inspired by well-loved Disney stories and characters.

When you register your activities you will also receive a range of digital marketing resources and guidelines to help you promote your events, as well as support on how to deliver activities in a fun and safe environment.


Register your activities today

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