
Adult Football Growth Fund

£500 Funds Available For Adult Clubs Creating New Teams

What is the Fund?

The Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA have created a new fund to aid the growth of current adult clubs wanting to expand and create new teams within their current set up and also aid the creation of brand-new adult clubs starting up on their own.

The application for funding has been created due to the decline in adult participation and the lack of funding opportunities for adult clubs that may feel they need help to become more sustainable and develop further.

The opportunities are aimed at all adult Clubs with the vison of growth and creating more opportunities for adults to participate in football.

The fund has been developed for current Adult clubs looking to create a new additional teams including; Open age, development (U18’s, U19’s, U21’s, U23’s) or over 35’s/ 45’s teams.

This could be due to an influx in players to the club, looking to develop a transition pathway from youth to adult football or wanting to expand the club to offer more opportunities to participants within your geographical area. 

Funding Criteria

If application is successful the breakdown of funding will include, £250 initial start-up fund to aid the initial creation of the team and then £250 once the new team is affiliated.

What timelines do I need to be aware of?

Application for the Funding opens on the (February 3rd, 2020) and will close (September 7th, 2020).

Once a club’s application has been approved the first instalment of £250 will be granted and second £250 instalment once the team has been created (2020/21 season).

Is your club eligible?

Applications must be submitted by the Club Secretary, Chairperson, Treasurer or Welfare Officer.

This opportunity is aimed at existing FA Charter Standard Clubs or Clubs who aim to become Charter Standard. 

Funds will only be granted once a club has completed their CS Annual Health Check or become an FA Charter Standard Club.

Applicant eligibility;

•               Adult clubs with Charter Standard status

•               Affiliated with a Sheffield and Hallamshire League.

•               Affiliated with the County FA.

•               Not received any recent funding from the County FA/ FA/ Football Foundation.

•               Statement submitted through the application as to why the club needs the funding for the new team.

•               Statement submitted through application outlining why the club is creating a new team.

•               Agreement with the CFA for new team to aim to be CS within 1 year of application approval.

•               The applicant should be aware that following the submission of an application S&HCFA may contact them for any additional information.

•               Applications that are rejected by S&HCFA have no rights to appeal the decision.

•               Applications that have been rejected by S&HCFA may reapply in the future should funding remain available.

•               S&HCFA will aim to inform all applicants of decisions within two weeks of completed applications.


To apply please complete the application form (CLICK HERE)

If you have any further questions regarding the fund, please contact The Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA.

Leon Dearns (Adult Football Development Officer)